• 2024-2025 Student Achievement Committee

    Board Members: David Ceccarelli (Chair) & Sharon Heppner

    Administrative Reps: Colleen Duggan, Linda Dansa, Ryan Sikorski

    All our students will have the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and/or career. This committee will review and monitor appropriate metrics to evaluate student achievement and to pursue continuous improvement in overall District academic performance.  This committee will report to the Board the metrics for measuring student achievement and review proposals and issues relating to curriculum and instruction.

    Student Achievement Committee Charter and Purpose (2020)

    Unless noted otherwise, meetings will be held at FEC in room 205 at 8:00 a.m. 

    September 25

    October 30

    November 27

    December 18 @ 10:30 a.m.

    January 29

    February 26

    March 26

    April 30

    May 28

    June 25