• Frontier Strategic Plan

    Family Engagement Survey

    Dear Frontier Families,

    I want to share with you, the process we will be going through to develop a long-range vision for the school district that establishes and builds upon our core values, shared purpose, mission, strategic objectives and action plans. Through the combined efforts of the whole school community, we are looking to provide our Falcons with an education that prepares them for today’s world and the unknown challenges of tomorrow. This is part of our Frontier 2030 strategic planning initiative.

    We are very interested in the perspective of our families as an important part of our planning. Our family/school relationship and partnership is central to our students’ success.

    We will be providing our families with a link to The Family Engagement Survey. The survey will be open from October 4 to October 18, 2019.  It is very easy to complete. Just click on the link and enter the password which is frontier2019. The survey has questions rated on a five part scale. Also, there are three open questions for our families to offer comments.

    All survey responses are anonymous; respondents are not identified. We ask that there be one survey per household, per school.

    Additionally, as part of this process, our staff and students will be completing surveys. This will allow us to have a comprehensive data base important for our planning. 

    We have selected PLC Associates, Inc. to administer these assessments, compile the data and provide comprehensive reports which will be very helpful to us in planning forward. PLC Associates, Inc. has worked with hundreds of schools. The company abides by a strict code of conduct in administering these surveys and is known for their exemplary level of delivery. 

    We appreciate your assistance in completing this important survey. If there are questions or need for clarifications, please contact Nicole Gugino, Public Relations Associate at ngugino@frontiercsd.org or 716-926-1798.

    Parents are such an important part of what we do, and we are grateful for our families taking the time to respond. We look forward to your input.

    Thank you.

    Yours in Blue,

    Richard J. Hughes, Ed.D.