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Frontier High School
Working Together for Excellence
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Academic Departments
Code of Conduct
High School Staff Directory
High School Information
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Faculty List
2021 Graduation
Bookstore - FHS
Clubs and Activities
Counseling Center
Falcon Vault
FHS Literacy Club
Frontier Virtual Wellness Room
Inflight School Newspaper
Library Media Services
Mock Trial
Monthly Honors
National Honor Society
Physical Therapy
Social Work Services
Student Government
Transition Specialist
Speech-Language Pathologist
2021 Student Star Awards
Agro, Mr.
Anzalone, Mr.
Bader, Mr.
Baker, Ms. (LOTE)
Bannister, Mrs.
Barone, Mrs.
Basinski, Mrs.
Becker, Mr.
Bellanca, Mr.
Benson, Ms.
Beyette, Ms.
Bialy, Mrs.
Bluman, Mrs.
Borowski, Mrs.
Brittain, Mrs.
Brodfuehrer, Mrs.
Brunner, Mr.
Budde, Ms.
Carlson, Mr.
Carlson, Mrs.
Ceccarelli, Mrs.
Clarke, Ms.
Collins, Mr.
Delmont, Mr.
DeNisco, Ms.
Dolina, Mrs.
Domogala, Mr.
Eberhardt, Mr.
Eisenberger, Ms.
Falgiano, Mr.
Fasciana, Mr.
Faust, Mr.
Fischer, Mr.
Fletcher, Mrs.
Galanti, Ms.
Gallagher, Mr.
Gannon, Mrs.
Gates, Ms.
Gatti, Ms.
George, Mrs.
Giannicchi, Mr.
Gordon, Mr.
Hartnett, Mr.
Heater, Mrs.
Hebeler, Mrs.
Heppener, Mr.
Hoy, Mrs.
Hughes, Mrs.
Idland, Mrs.
Klimowicz, Mr.
Kline, Mr.
Kreinheder, Mr.
Kresse, Ms.
Labedz, Mrs.
Lafferty, Ms.
Liebler, Mr.
Lisiecki, Mrs.
Lyons, Mr.
McGowan, Mrs.
Mertowski, Ms.
Metzger, Mrs.
Mihalik, Mr.
Murzynowski, Ms.
Myslinski, Mr.
Myszka, Mrs.
Newman, Ms.
Ott, Mrs.
Ouimet, Mr.
Paluch, Mrs.
Pasternak, Mrs.
Pellicano, Mrs.
Pierino, Mrs.
Pogodzinski, Mr.
Privateer, Mr.
Rayburg, Mrs.
Rice, Mr.
Riederer, Mr.
Scherbarth, Ms.
Schlifke, Mr.
Schlosser. Ms.
Schober, Mrs.
Schultz, Mr.
Schwarzott, Mr.
Seeley, Ms.
Shafer, Mr.
Silverstein, Mr.
Skelley, Mr.
Snyder (Sp. Ed.), Mrs.
Staruch, Mr.
Stoklosa, Ms.
Taggart, Ms.
Tubbs, Mr.
Ventura, Mr.
Voto, Mrs.
Walker, Ms.
Warren, Mr.
Weiss, Mrs.
White, Mr.
Wiktor, Mrs.
Wilcott, Ms.
Wilhelm, Ms.
Wilson, Mrs.
Wittemann, Ms.
Wolski, Mrs.
Wright, Mrs.
Zawada, Mr.
Zielinski, Mr.
Zubler, Mr.
Lake, Ms.
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Brodfuehrer, Mrs.
Page Navigation
Mrs. Brodfuehrer's Homepage
Important Documents Needed; Government
Mr. Rice's Homepage
Syllabi for government and economics
Resource Room 12 Syllabi
Important Gov. forms for Scav. Hunt
Frontier High School
Mr. Rice's Homepage
Mr. Rice's Homepage
All announcements, assignments, materials, etc. can be found in my Google Classroom.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me by email or phone. I look forward to hearing from you.
Room: 236
Phone: 926-1720 ext. 2236
Last Modified on January 12, 2021