• Monthly Honors



    This year will mark the beginning of the twelfth school year that the Frontier High School PTSA will be sponsoring the Monthly Honors program, recognizing students and staff members.


    Each month 21 students, a teacher and a staff member will be selected from nominations submitted.


    Individuals are nominated for their outstanding personal character traits and/or their actions that have helped improve the Frontier High School community.


    In addition selections can be made to emphasize perseverance and the personal transformation of individuals, where challenges are welcomed and have been overcome.


    Perseverance can be demonstrated in momentous ways such as in a major personal transformation. It can also be seen in everyday resiliency amidst difficulties or even on the minuscule scale where small but important steps of growth can be celebrated.


    This criteria will result in 190 students, about 12% of the entire student body, being recognized by the end of the 2020-21 school year.


    I am pleased to announce the Honors of the Month for May 2021.  Please join me in congratulating each of them for this achievement.


    Teacher: Mrs. Laura Eberhardt

    Mrs. Susan Haefner

    Mrs. Paula Malesa 

    Mrs. Vanessa Rich

    Staff Member: Ms. Grace Grasso

            Mrs. Nancy McIntyre


    Athlete Joshua Peron

    Athlete Emily Przybysz

    Building-At-Large Patricia Kerr

    Building-At-Large Gretchen Newell

    Building-At-Large Tairin Tempski

    Art Department Colin Galley

    Business Department Franz Stadler

    English as a New Language Department Raphael Rivera
    English Language Arts Department Bianca Taylor                                   

    Family Consumer Science Department Edward McCarthy

    Freshman ACE Jesse Martinez

    Freshman ACE Mallory Esford

    Health Education Department Chloe Diebel
    Mathematics Department Isaac Wozniak

    Music Department Douglas Hernandez
    Physical Education Department Alexander Schickling
    Physical Education Department Emma Petricca

    Science Department Julia Tufan
    Social Studies Department Charles Radomski

    Student Support Services Victor Wong

    STEAM Initiative Jayden Shoemaker

    Technology Education Department Matthew Peschio

    World Languages Department Lydia Wozniak