Brittain, Mrs.
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Welcome to Mrs. Brittain's Math HomepageSupplies:-Binder: every student is required to keep an updated and organized 3 ring Math binder and/or Math folder due to no locker on in school days-pencil or pen (blue or black ink only)-Calculator: TI-84, TI 84 Plus,TI 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator- It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you purchase your own graphing calculator. You must bring a calculator to class daily.
Texas Instrument 84 Graphing calculator apps:
Calculate84 (APPLE)
NYS Common Core Algebra Reference Sheet
jbrittain@frontiercsd.org926-1720 ext.2324
room 324
"Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences." Carl Friedrich Gauss
"What happens to you in life is not as important as your attitude toward it."
"Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you." Madeline Bridges
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
Last Modified on September 14, 2020