Frontier High School prides itself in inspiring young people to attain their individual goals and aspirations. When students graduate from Frontier High School, they are prepared to not only enter the world, but to change it. Our goal is to help young ladies and gentlemen be self-motivated, set their own goals and learn how to go about achieving them. You will quickly learn that many opportunities are available for all students to do just that. This section describes a variety of possibilities for students to get involved. Many of the clubs and organizations that are offered at Frontier High School are described below. Each club description includes the name and contact information for the advisor who can provide information to students regarding the club, and meeting times.

    BAND CLUB: This is a club that includes all members of the High School Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Ensemble. The group raises funds each year to sponsor a guest artist concert and to bring in Band Conductors & clinicians. They also plan a bi-annual trip where each bands performs and receives adjudication or master classes. They host an annual chicken BBQ for our school’s homecoming. 

    Advisor: Mr. Riederer (Room 301)

    BOOKSTORE: Frontier’s Student store incorporates a variety of skills and builds character.  Students learn to work with different people, keep track of inventory, money and sometimes need to problem solve.  The store carries a variety of items from review books, binders, folders, pens and pencils as well as snacks and beverages to get our students through the day. Any profit the store makes goes directly back to the students. 

    Advisor: Mrs. Dunbar (Room 135)

    CHESS & GAME CLUB: This Club allows students an opportunity to play Chess and other traditional board games such as Clue, Risk, Scrabble and others. Board games require strategic and logical thinking, problem solving, patience, collaboration, and communication. The Chess club gives students a chance for social interaction with others who share a common interest and a place to make new friends. 

    Advisor: Mrs. Hebeler (Room 311)

    CHORUS CLUB: This is a club that includes all members of the High School Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Festival Chorus and Select Chorus. The group raises funds each year to sponsor guest artists and clinicians. They also plan a bi-annual trip where each ensemble performs and receives adjudication or master classes.

    Advisor: Mr. Shafer (Room 179)

    ECOLOGY CLUB: This club promotes knowledge and understanding between people and their environment. Each year the club performs activities to help save the world in small but significant ways. We raise money for environmental projects, maintain the flagpole peace garden, go on hikes and do other outdoor activities. We promote and participate in the recycling program within the school.  Another goal is local environmental awareness through education and exploring new possibilities and advancements around our world.

    Advisor: Mr. Delmont (Room 223)

    ETHOS:  Selected student participants represent the best of Frontier High School. Recommended students must embody the traits and virtues of Character. This club works to promote healthy and safe lives, encourage good decision-making and strives to make our school and community better places. These student leaders participate in community meetings and events; help organize school assemblies and programs (Bald for Bucks and Smart Living Fair), contests, the Monthly Honors Program (Student, Teacher and Staff Member of the Month) and many other endeavors. They promote Red Ribbon Week with various activities, and run blood drives during the school year.

    Co-Advisors: Mrs. Brodfuehrer (Room 240) & Mrs. Stekl (Room 118) 

    FALCON VAULT: The Falcon Vault is a student-run bank branch of the Financial Trust Federal Credit Union. The goal of this endeavor is to further the understanding of, and the experience with, real-world money management for students. Student bankers are responsible for all aspects of running a bank branch, as well as teaching their peers the importance of budgeting and saving. With guidance from Financial Trust Federal Credit Union management, the high school bankers are improving their own readiness for college and future careers and for their peers.

    Advisor: Mr. Smaczniak (South Office)

    FESO (Frontier Electrical Services Organization): This group provides audio and lighting assistance for any event in the auditorium as well as other places around FHS.  They also run the DJ booth in the cafeteria, playing music during lunches.

    Advisor: Mr. Shafer (Room 179)

    FOREIGN LANGUAGE MENTORING: This club is perfect for upper-level World Language students who love learning another language and would like to share that with younger students.  They will visit one of the elementary schools in the district and teach them about a new language and its culture. 

    Co-Advisors: Mrs. Metzger (Room 115) & Mrs. Wiktor (Room 113)

    FRENCH CLUB: This club meets to enjoy the culture, language and traditions of France and the francophone world. There will be many activities including French food, movies, music, crafts and holiday celebrations.

    Co-Advisors: Mrs. M. Carlson (Room 111) & Mrs. Wiktor (Room 113)

    FRONTIER ACTIVITY CLUB FOR TEENS (FACT): A club that meets to promote drug and alcohol-free activities. Our goal is to have a least one activity each month. The club gives young people an opportunity to get together with their peers in a safe and fun environment. 

    Co-Advisors: Mr. Zielinski (Room 326) 

    GATEWAY: This club creates the yearbook - from collecting photographs, to designing the layouts.

    Co-Advisors: Ms. Beyette (Room 308) & Mrs. D. O'Connor (South Office)

    GAY/STRAIGHT ALLIANCE: Being a member of the Gay/Straight Alliance means being part of a safe, inclusive, supportive network of people who promote visibility, education, and acceptance in our community. We take pride in our individuality and believe that we are stronger together. Our group joins our LGBTQ+ community with our allies to participate in social, political, and service events in our District and in Western New York.

    Advisor: Ms. O'Connor and Ms. Ellis (South Office)

    GERMAN CLUB: This group meets to enjoy the culture, language and traditions of the German-speaking world. There will be many activities including German food, movies, music, crafts and holiday celebrations. This club is open to all students – you don’t have to be enrolled in German to come!

    Advisor: Mrs. M. Carlson (Room 111)

    INFLIGHT: The school newspaper attracts the best writers and artists in the high school, giving them a forum to discuss issues affecting students and their daily lives.  Annually recognized by the Western New York Student Press Association (WNYSPA) as an outstanding high school paper.  We have a staff of award winning writers and layout artists.  If you have a voice and issues to deal with, if you are an artist attempting to capture the world you live in, or a photographer with an eye for the moment, contact us at inflightfrontier@gmail.com.

    Co-Advisors: Mr. Gordon (Room 230) and Mrs. Pasternak (Room 227)

    INTERNATIONAL CLUB: This club offers students an opportunity to increase their global awareness. The purpose is to introduce students to various people and cultures from around the world. The numerous events offered include field trips to museums and restaurants, guest speakers, award-winning films and holiday celebrations from around the world.

    Advisor: Ms. K. Baker (Room 315)

    LIT CLUB & FORUM: Lit Club is open to students in any grade level who are interested in a variety of literacy related activities that call upon a student’s academic talents, as well as a student’s good character through volunteering and working within the district at school events; students can earn volunteer hours. Some activities include the writing, editing and publication of the Forum Literary Magazine, along with other opportunities that require a variety of interests and abilities: writers, editors, artists, project managers, technology savvy students, and volunteers. There are activities available for the quiet-natured and socialites alike.

    Advisor: Mrs. Blood (Room 106)

    MEDIA ARTS CLUB: This club promotes visual digital design and development with fun activities.  We learn skills used in the entertainment industry, such as Animation, Costume Design, Special Effects, and Game Design.  We balance traditional art explorations with digital experience.

    Advisor: Mr. Carlson (Room 108)

    MOCK TRIAL: Mock Trial is a competition team in which students learn the art of public speaking, debate and trial techniques.  Each student will prepare a real trial court case argument by preparing witnesses, evidence, and learning the proper use of objections.  The competition takes place against numerous local public and private high schools at City Court in Buffalo.  Students work with local attorneys and judges to better understand the law and the art of persuasion.  This is an excellent club for students interested in exploring a career in the law, but also for students who want to develop public speaking skills, which are critical in all fields of study.  The competition takes place in February, but the kids start to prepare their arguments in December.  Students will also learn to prepare arguments in the fall.

    Advisor: Mr. Gordon (Room 230)

    MUSIC CLUB/MUSICAL & PLAY: A group comprised of any student in the music performance ensembles and/or the musical. Meetings are usually held monthly. Students attend field trips to various performances in the Buffalo area and plan for a trip every other year. The musical is staged every February and is a full-length Broadway show. A full-length play is staged every fall.

    Advisor: Mrs. Voto (Room 182)

    NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: Students are accepted into the National Honor Society on the basis of leadership, scholarship, character, and service at the end of their sophomore year. They are active members of the Frontier community as well as the community in which they live. NHS members plan activities for students to attend throughout the school year as well as volunteer their time and talents outside of school.

    Advisor: Mrs. Pasternak (Room 227) 

    PEP BAND: Pep Band is comprised of members of Symphonic Band, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble.  This group performs at our school’s homecoming, the home football games, as well as the 9/11 Ceremony and Memorial Day.

    Co-Advisors: Ms. Ortolano (Room 301) & Mr. Riederer (Room 301)

    SPANISH CLUB: ¡Bienvenidos al club español! Spanish Club promises to bring culture and fun to Frontier!  Throughout the year we will go on cultural field trips, enjoy learning how to cook Spanish and Hispanic cuisine, view some Spanish language films, try new foods from local Hispanic restaurants and create amazing crafts while celebrating the Hispanic holidays.  In December we will join up with the other world languages clubs for a fabulous International Celebration!

    Advisor: Mrs. Metzger (Room 115)

    STUDENT GOVERNMENT: This organization is comprised of student government officers, class officers from each grade level, and representatives from each club within the building. Officers are elected each spring for the following year. Student government meets monthly to discuss school concerns and plan events. They are responsible for organizing Homecoming festivities, various dances, and activities for the student body.

    • Student Gov’t Co-Advisors: Mrs. Bannister (Rm 143), Ms.  Dorobiala (Rm 103) and Mrs. Lake (Rm 201)
    • Senior Class Co-Advisors: Mr. Falgiano (Rm 222) and Mr. Rice (Rm 236)
    • Junior Class Advisor: Mrs. M. Snyder (Rm 240)     
    • Sophomore Class Advisor: Mr. Anzalone (Rm 232) & Mrs. Myszka (Rm 331)
    • Freshman Class Advisor: Mrs. Brodfuehrer (Rm 240) & Mrs. Stekl (Rm 118)

    TECHNOLOGY (STEAM) CLUB:  A club that makes it happen! This club meets after school once a week to help students understand the benefits that technology offers. The members will participate in two TECH WARS competitions, use multiple machines to complete projects, and troubleshoot different technology challenges.

    Co-Advisors: Mr. Ouimet (Room 158)

    VARSITY CLUB: This club is exclusive for all athletes in grades 9-12 that participate in a varsity sport. Club members will participate in various community charity events and activities. Students assist in organizing and promoting school spirit rallies for athletic events. They also help establish activity nights and open gym during various times of the school year.

    Advisor: Mr. Fasciana 


    Rev. 9/29/21

Last Modified on March 22, 2022