• Welcome to the Cloverbank Health Office

    Ms. Ziobro

    Room 104

    Phone: (716) 926-1761

  • Reporting Absences

    If your child will be absent or late to school, please call the Health Office at (716) 926-1761.

    The voicemail service is on 24 hours a day for your convenience. Please leave your child's name and room number/or teacher's name, as well as the reason for the absence. A written excuse must accompany your child when they return to school.

  • When should you keep your child home from school?

    If your child is experiencing any of the following, they should be kept home from school:

    • a cold with a disruptive cough or a lot of congestion
    • a fever in the past twenty four hours
    • vomiting or diarrhea in the past twenty four hours
    • Pink Eye until they have received antibiotic eye drops for twenty four hours
    • Strep throat until they are fever free and have been on antibiotics for twenty four hours. Three doses of antibiotics is not sufficient, it must be a full twenty four hours of medication before they return to school.     
    • an undiagnosed rash