• Welcome to the DREBOT ZONE!!



    Mrs. Kathleen  Drebot

    E-Mail: kdrebot@frontiercsd.org

    Room 215

    Phone: 926-1730  x3215 (email is quickest!)


    Welcome to ELA Lab Grades 6, 7, & 8
    My dear parents and guardians, the number one way you can help your child to succeed in school is to require him or her to read every day, as much as possible. This is especially critical for children who do not want to read. Evidence is clear that children who love to read (and therefore do so as much as time allows them) surpass their reading-avoiding peers in every school and career measure possible. Please, lovingly but firmly, require your child to read materials that pertain to his or her interests regularly, and especially over vacation breaks.

    Link for a public library card:Library application form

    Bring a reading book (Drop Everything And Read) to class everyday. You are expected to read, read, read. When we are not working on class assignments, you are expected to read. That's because reading is the key to success for school and future careers. Our goal here at FMS is to help  you become a competant (efficient and capable) reader, ready for every challenge you face in your future.

    Daily homework is to read at least 20-30 minutes (minimum of 20 pages) every day at home or on the go, to keep your skills growing! With the availability of Smartphones and tablets, never before have students had access to such rich reading material. In addition to novels, students can read special interest blogs, online articles, and public access books. Our own FMS library is stocked with hundreds of student recommended books and magazines, as well as playaway audio books to borrow.

    New York State English Language Arts: College and Career Ready Standards require students to critcally read, analyze, and write about challenging and complex texts.  Research has shown that students who read everyday outside of school (whether by personal choice, or parent and teacher assigned) are best prepared for success in meeting these demands.

    Please note, 7th & 8th grade is secondary education (grades 7-12) in the eyes of New York State. You are not in elementary school any more! How exciting!

    fave things



Last Modified on September 13, 2021