• Frontier Middle School Orchestra Supplies








    ·      Instrument in good working order.

    ·      Case name tag (labeled on handle with luggage tag or on the side of the case itself)

    ·      Grade 6 & 7: String Basics Book 2 (BLUE), Grade 8: String Basics Book 3 (GREEN)

                   by Terry Shade & Jeremy Woolstenhulme, Kjos Publishing

    ·      3-ring binder, 1-inch, hard cover with pockets

    ·      Pencils (Not just one, but many! We will use them everyday so don’t be without one!)

    ·      Rosin and cleaning cloth (Make it a habit to rosin your bow AND clean your instrument every time you use it)

    ·      Music stand for practicing at home

    ·      Shoulder rest (violins and violas only) (Kun brand recommended)

    ·      Endpin stop (cellos and basses only)

    ·      Snark SN-8 Super Tight All Instrument Electronic Tuner

    ·      Fingernail clippers


Last Modified on October 11, 2018