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Anderson, Mrs.
Armstrong, Mrs
Beats, Ms.
Boyce, Ms.
Bueme, Ms.
Ceccarelli, Mr.
Christ, Mrs.
Cleary, Mrs.
Colucci, Ms.
Dubill, Mrs.
Duerr, Mrs.
Ebeling, Ms.
Edwards, Mrs.
Frost, Ms.
Gall, Mrs.
Haertel, Mrs.
Horschel, Mrs.
Izra, Mrs.
Jacobs, Mrs.
Jakubowski, Mrs.
Jarosz, Ms.
Juron, Ms.
Kilcoyne, Mrs.
Kubiszyn, Mrs.
LaForge, Ms.
Maronski, Mrs.
Mayle, Mrs.
O'Hara, Mrs.
Page, Mrs.
Peck, Mrs.
Piraino, Mrs.
Reimondo, Ms.
S. Stanton, Mrs.
Salzman, Mrs.
Schaub, Mrs.
Schwendner, Mrs.
Seifert, Mrs.
Selig, Ms.
Senese, Mrs.
Shea, Ms.
Sheehan, Mrs.
Sippel, Mrs.
Strach, Ms.
Talty, Mrs.
Watson, Ms.
Wigdorski, Ms.
Wright, Ms.
Young, Mrs.
Zarbo, Mrs.
Zoyhofski, Mr.
Millace, Mrs.
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Sippel, Mrs.
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"The One And Only Ivan" Day 1
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 2
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 3
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 4
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 5
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 6
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 7
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 8
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 9
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 10
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 11
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 12
"The One And Only Ivan" Day 13
Blasdell Remedial Reading Program
Reading Strategies Bookmark
Reading Comprehension Strategies
Don't forget to check your COPS!
Blasdell Elementary School
Mrs. Sippel
Reading Teacher
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Today is Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Room 225
Last Modified on March 2, 2021