Maronski, Mrs.
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How long should my child be spending (on average) on homework each night?
In our classroom, the average homework is 20-30 minutes. Homework is pretty consistent every night.
If you are finding that your child is spending more than 1 hour a few times a week, please let us know as soon as possible! If your
child is not completing required classwork it will be expected to be completed as homework. Reading is expected for a
minimum of 20 minutes per night.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Should I still be signing my child's agenda each night?
That is up to you. It is encouraged to read the agenda to see what is being expected of your child
as well as if we have written any notes home to you. This is a great source of communication for us all!!!
________________________________________________________________________________________________Are the children allowed to bring in a snack for their birthday?
Absolutely! We love birthday parties and feel that everyone's birthday should be made special! It is not necessary, but feel free to send in a snack for your child's birthday! We currently have 20 children.
Snack time is given in the afternoon everyday. Please send a healthy snack with your child. We have no nut allergies at this time.When is the best time to call?
If you leave a message at school during the day, we are most likely to get it and have time to return your call that day. However, if messages are left once school has let out, we can not promise we will receive your call that day, and may take until the next day to return your call. In either case, please allow 24 hours for us to return the phone call unless you are experiencing an emergency. If an emergency arrises, please make that clear on the message and we will do our best to return the call immediately! If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, please call back. Sometimes our phone messaging system stops working.
How many New York State Tests are in 3rd Grade?
Third graders take 2 New York State Tests. ELA is in May and Math will also take place in May. Our philosophy of these tests is to keep the atmosphere as stress free and calm as possible. We know that the children will perform poorly if they are nervous and stressed out. Therefore, we strive to help the students understand the importance of the test, but at the same time allow them to be comfortable with taking it. Please let us know immediately if you feel your child has become overly stressed out about any test!
Should I send a note to school with my child after they are absent?
Yes. It is helpful for the nurse to receive a quick note with your child's name stating why they were absent and on which day.