- Pinehurst Elementary School
- Pinehurst Health Services
Welcome to the Pinehurst Elementary Health Office
It is 8:45 AM as the Health Office door swings open and Mary rushes in with a tear rolling down her cheek. She fell on the sidewalk in front of the school and skinned her knee. The abrasion is full of dirt and would need to be cleaned and bandaged. Right on Mary’s heels is Timmy, who is complaining of a stomachache. His temperature is normal, so he will rest on the cot for a while. Next comes Peter, complaining of a sore throat. His temperature is 102 and he also has swollen neck glands. His mother is called at work and will come in about half an hour to pick Peter up. Meanwhile Peter will rest, under the nurse’s supervision.
All of this is part of the normal working day for the school nurse. Caring for sick children and administering first aid for injuries are two of the most important functions of the school nurse. Each child who visits the Health Office has to be assessed and a decision made as to treatment. However, the School Nurse has many more duties, of which many people are not aware. Below is a list of some of these other duties, many state mandated:
- Hearing and Vision Screening
- Height and Weight Measurement:
- Scoliosis Screening
- Blood Pressures
- Asthma Management
- Immunization Review
- Arranging Physicals
- Dealing with Attendance issues
- Health education
If you have any questions or concerns at any point during the school year, please feel free to contact the School Nurse at 926-1771.
You may also email Amanda Gollnau agollnau@frontiercsd.org.