- Big Tree Elementary School
- BTE Health Services
Big Tree Health Services
Ms. Gartler
E-Mail: sgartler@frontiercsd.org
Welcome to the Big Tree Health Office
Welcome Back!! Heres to another healthy year at Big Tree. Please remember to keep your child home if they have a fever and/or flu like symptoms. The golden rule is "fever free for 24 hours" before returning to school. Also if your child throws up during the night, please keep them home to assure there is no illness brewing. Feel free to call the health office anytime with questions or if you are unsure whether to send them or keep them home 926-1741.
ATTENTION PARENTS OF STUDENTS IN KINDERGARTEN 2ND 4TH GRADES AND PARENTS OF CHILDREN NEW TO FRONTIERIt is New York State Law that requires these children to submit a current physical to the health office. We are also required to request a dental certificate with these mandated physicals. Forms were sent home in the spring, please call the health office if you need a new one.