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Panorama Survey to Run Prior to Spring Break

Nearly one year ago, there was a recognition, post-Covid, that some of our students were struggling with mental health factors including but not limited to school avoidance, social anxiety, and depression. Aligning with our strategic plan, district counselors, social workers, school and district level administrators began a dialogue focusing on measuring the social emotional well-being of our students along with the climate in our schools and identifying a curriculum to help support improvement in target areas.  

Over the past year we have previewed a number of social emotional screening products, arriving at Panorama Education last Spring. Since then, we have identified six areas in which to focus our surveys this year (see sample questions below). It is our hope that students in grades 3-12 will complete these brief, anonymous, multiple choice questions prior to the Spring Recess within their classroom setting.  

If you do not wish for your student(s) to participate in this survey, please send an email with your child’s name, grade level and building to the following email address:

Grades 3 through 5 Linda Dansa

Grades 6 through 12 Ryan Sikorski


Sample Survey Questions:


  1. If you fail at a goal how likely are you to try again?

  2. How often are you able to control your emotions when you need to?

  3. Do you have a teacher or adult from school that you can count on no matter what?

  4. How well do people at your school understand you as a person?

  5. How much support do the adults at your school give you?